Are You Ready to Discover How to Use Concentrated Gratitude To Transform You And Become The Best Version Of Yourself And Living A Happy Life?
Register For Gratitude Revolution, The 28 Days Life Makeover Challenge in
Helping people through toxic relationships through the power of mindset/overcoming negative self-talks/limiting beliefs
Enroll NOW and become Gratitude RevolutionistDo you know that people who practice Concentrated Gratitude have closer relationships, and they are closely connected to family, friends, and total strangers? And other people perceive them in a favorable way?
Heart-breaking statistics of toxic relationships?
- 1 in 3 young people will be in an abusive or unhealthy relationship.
- 33% of adolescents in America are victims of sexual, physical, verbal, or emotional dating abuse.
- In the U.S., 25% of high school girls have been abused physically or sexually.
You are in the right place, and you suffer from a TOXIC relationship if any of the following resonate with you:
- You are under huge stress from being around someone who is mean, aggressive, and dysfunctional, and now your relationship is changing you; becoming a person you don’t recognize, like, or even despise because of all the mind games and manipulations.
- You are afraid of being alone, therefore, you are compromising a lot and going into or staying in a relationship that makes you so uncomfortable.
- You feel powerless, trapped, lacking peace of mind, and clueless on how to gain your emotional and social freedom.
- Are your boundaries being threatened by a toxic partner? Your partner controls your world 100% of the time - time to be spent alone, time with family and loved ones; money, career decisions, food, clothing attire, crowding of your personal space; and you feel like you are suffocating; and the list goes on.
- You are being lied to, manipulated, controlled, criticized, afraid, under pressure, belittled; and these experiences make you have low self-respect and low self-esteem.
You are so sick and tired and frustrated of just SURVIVING and not LIVING life to its full potential in your relationship; so oppressed, can’t breathe and want to “throw in the towel.”
I get it!!
I was born into a family of toxic relationship. Nobody deserves to live this cyclical and tumultuous lifestyle when we can add the authentic missing ingredient to enhance our LIVING instead of just SURVIVING. The discovery of this MISSING and ACTIVE ingredient is the KEY to getting fully liberated from a life of oppression, suppression, and suffocation; a relationship that stripped you of your identity……the REAL YOU living a happy, blessed, and fulfilled life. That magic key of practicing concentrated gratitude did it for me and today, I am a transformed woman living in absolute peace and happiness as I command the universe and she works in my favor.
According to Johannes A. Gaertner, “ To speak gratitude is courteous and pleasant, to enact gratitude is generous and noble, but to live gratitude is a touch of heaven.”
You must be longing for and craving for that touch of heaven in your life as you journey through this toxic relationship. This is what I help people to do because life is too short to live another hour feeling sad or depressed.
The only person you really have control over is YOU.
Therefore get your transformation through this :
28 Days Life Makeover Challenge in
Helping people through toxic relationships through the power of mindset/overcoming negative self-talks/limiting beliefs
Just Imagine The Following…….
- The conscientious, deep practicing of concentrated Gratitude will undo the hardwired self-limiting belief system programming of your subconscious mind since your birth and age nine:
- A life of liberty from self and others without the feeling of being trapped in a relationship of incessant hurt feelings…..THE SECRET IS SELF-LOVE
- Looking into the future with hope and optimism because of positive self-awareness and self-esteem.
- Living a perpetual life of gratitude and deep sense of appreciation of the world around you because you have personalized gratitude and rehearsing with each breath as a way of life…..becoming second nature and you are in TOTAL CONTROL OF YOUR LIFE and the world around you.
- In all, you will be calm, relaxed, peaceful and you will have a testimony like Mary who says:
“Since I started the counseling session using The Gratitude Missing Active Ingredient of Life, my world has undergone a total transformation. It was like a vail peeled off my face and scales falling off my eyes to see what it truly meant by Living and not just surviving. And suddenly, I realized that Oprah Winfrey was right with her quote that says:
“I started out giving thanks for small things, and the more thankful I became, the more my bounty increased. That’s because what you focus on expands, and when you focus on the goodness in your life, you create more of it. Opportunities, relationships, even money flowed my way when I learned to be grateful no matter what happened in my life.”
My experience with Mabel Okungbowa
“Mabel came into my life while I was in Anesthesia school. She was a preceptor to me as a student. Shortly after getting to know me, she became something much more than that. God used her as an important instrument in my life about 8 years ago. Mabel helped me to reached into my inner core and pull out the power within me by utilizing the tool of gratitude. I was broken, but now I am living a well fulfilled life. She is God’s gift to many of us. I can attest to it and I am sure many more. I hope many more can benefit from her gift.” Olga N.
Your Time Is NOW!!!
Sign me up!If You’re Finally Ready To……
Get liberated from living in HELL while on earth through the great
transformative impact of Gratitude in 28 days:
- Helping you heal from the trauma you have suffered from living in a toxic relationship.
- Helping you to discover the power of your mindset.
- Overcoming negative self-talks
- Recognizing and overcoming limiting beliefs formed since birth to 9 years of age.
Your Time Is NOW!!!
the numerous self-help books that you have tried on combatting anxiety, depression, stress, failed career, low-self-esteem, spiritual healing, relationships, and finances. They only provided you with temporary relief and now you are back to square one in utter despair and anger
28 Days Life Makeover Challenge: Become Your Best Self
Here is how I helped myself and others to become totally transformed by intentional daily practice of GRATITUDE for twenty-eight days.
I will help you evoke the feeling of authentic gratitude that overpowers any fear, doubt, or guilt feelings that blurs your vision of living a happy and well fulfilled life.
My mission is to bring to your “true” awareness of the Life ACTIVE MISSING INGREDIENT: GRATITUDE and its great transformative impact in overcoming your toxic relationship and its aftermath.
Uses stepwise progression during the 28 days cycle using the roadmap called B.A.S.E GRATITUDE: THE MISSING ACTIVE INGREDIENT OF LIVING A BLESSED LIFE
- Radical encounter with self: using the power within you
- B: Believe the science, your spiritual practices, and quotes on Gratitude
- *** If you don’t believe in the process, you won’t get the promise ***
- A: ACT by using the in-depth meaning of Gratitude’s 9 steps
- S: SEE your miracles come to pass in all areas of life
- E: EXPERIENCE from this one and ONLY “Parent of ALL VIRTUES” becomes a miraculous way of life that infect and affect everything and everyone in your surroundings like a disease…..COVID-19 like effect……making the entire universe work for you and in your favor.
- Plus, you get live support through twice a month personal phone calls as we journey together to celebrate your new found world. This 1:1 contact is very important to Mabel because I am a nurse and I have been nurturing and caring for my patients and clients for nearly 3 decades. I, Mabel, believe in sharing your burdens with you to lighten the heavy load that you have been carrying for years. I WLL hold your hands through your pains…..that’s what I am called to do: rescuing people in need because I truly care.
- Twice a month FAMILY FORUM webinar to give testimonies and exchange with each other tips that are working for you.
- Free access to my YouTube link for admonitions
Hi I am Mabel!!!
Well before I dive into any of these, let me introduce myself: my name is Mabel Okungbowa, I am a wife, mother of four responsible adult children, and I have Master’s degree in Nurse Anesthesiology…basically for almost two decades, I put people to sleep during surgery and wake them up after surgery. I am opportune to work with highly educated people such as doctors, nurses, and hospital administrators. Also, on the servitude side of the healthcare business, I give anesthesia to all people of divers races and socio-economic statuses like lawyers, accountants, CEOs of different business sectors, Engineers, janitors, the poor and the rich folks. In addition, I am very humbled to say that I am the President and Founder of a nonprofit organization called Love Your Neighbor Rescue Mission International.
I am privileged to be a part of a community of people who complain and just want to blame everything and anything around their world but themselves. This has been giving me a huge concern and I have been wishing I could make everyone around me see the exact opposite (the good side) of what they are complaining about. This burden became so heavy to bear when I started working in a mental institution administering general anesthesia to those getting electroconvulsive therapy due to severe psychiatry problems. This patient population caught across every age group especially 19-70 years old; professionals like doctors, lawyers, scientists, and so on.
I started thinking deeply about what was missing in the lives of these individuals because when I interact with them utilizing psychotherapy skills, they immediately warm up to me and are happy with glowing faces. They connected with me so nicely and after few treatments, they expressed how they love me and misses me when I am off duty. Their positive comments about me being a huge source of help to their treatment outcomes spurred me even more that I could help more people in the world who get depressed due to life circumstances.
The best tool I used with my psychotherapy was emotional support and wearing the lens of gratitude. During my first encounter with these patients, they become negative and verbalized all the wrong things in their lives; I refocused their thinking processes by encouraging them to focus on being grateful for the blessings in their lives and many said to me “Mabel you are right.” Immediately, they calmed down and we proceeded with their treatments, and they usually have positive outcomes. Also, I frequently admonish my coworkers who constantly express their negative thoughts about their work, people, and management; I refocus their thoughts and help them to count their numerous blessings.
They finally agree with me and become happy at the end of our conversations along with the expression of gratitude. Fast forward, one day, I woke up with a nagging feeling, deep thoughts about my patients and with a huge question: “what is the missing ingredients in the lives of this patient population and in the lives of these co-workers who show up to work daily and frustrated with life?” “What do I have that they do not have irrespective of their social statuses?” The answer was obvious to me…….AUTHENTIC Gratitude…that same CONCENTRATED gratitude that makes me always at peace, happy, and feel contented with my career, relationships, family and personal desires. Endless open doors that is making me live a blessed life……that gave birth to Gratitude Revolution 4 Life. In retrospect as I reminisced over my life, I realized that my husband and daughter have always called me a good counsellor because I have helped others over the years to work through life challenging situations that would have destroyed their jobs, health, families, and other close relationships. I was so passionate about helping these people and I was well fulfilled that I could help them through the power of CONCENTRATED GRATITUDE. AND, I can help you too.
Here is why
you should trust me to HELP you
This is a someone going through the hell of divorce
This is someone who is going through the emptiness of losing her spouse and she was very happy to make this announcement on our college’s WhatsApp platform
Time for REALITY Check
Are These 3 Myths holding you back from living a LIFE of your dream that you Covet???
- Myth #1: The wealthy people are so blessed with abundance including good relationships therefore, they have every reason to be more grateful.
- TRUTH: Money cannot buy authentic happiness
- Myth #2: When you are happy then it becomes automatic that you become grateful.
- TRUTH: Rather, gratefulness begets happiness. Therefore, people who have a spirit of gratitude are happier.
- Myth #3: Those who are stuck with terrible life experiences are more ungrateful.
- TRUTH: Adversity evokes humility and humility helps the person to become grateful for trials and tribulations
S. B healed from emotional trauma following divorce through the daily practice of genuine and concentrated gratitude
Is The Gratitude Revolution A Way Of Life For You?
Your absolute Healing is my success. What you thought is working against you is actually working for you. “It is the DIGRESSION that called us to PROGRESSION.”~~T.D. Jakes So, you don’t have to grieve over what you didn’t get. Let’s focus on what is ahead of you: Living a life of absolute peace and happiness.
Sign me up!GET THE FAQ’s
- I am hurting so bad. Will I be stigmatized and classified as a crazy person if I ask for help?
- “Choosing to seek therapy when it's needed is an expression of sanity and wholeness.”~~~Dr. Seth Gillihan
- How long does it take before I heal from my pain?
- We MUST be realistic that for gratitude to become second nature in your life, it requires patience and commitment by wearing a new pair of “Life Lenses” of gratefulness no matter the circumstances. We coach you so that you can become accountable as you implement and master the skills taught. Once these daily practices are driven into your inner core, your healing process begins.
- How will I experience the blessedness of gratitude to the fulness?
- You must practice gratitude DAILY by practicing and rehearsing “thank you and I am grateful for….” whenever situations present themselves to you. Your intentional self-affirmation is key to your transformation of living a happy life.
- How many hours at a time will it take to practice gratitude a day before it becomes second nature?
- You only need 5-10 minutes in the morning hours to COMPLETELY SUBMERGE your FOCUS thinking and start recounting the many things that you are grateful for. Do this first thing in the morning to set the thermostat for your day before you enter the crazy world; and this will enable you to control your environment intentionally. This 28 days consecutive daily practice rewires, subdue old neural networks, build new channels of the subconscious mind and these changes affect your subjective ways of viewing life occurrences.
- Do you think I will survive this pain, heal up and become the same person I used to be?
- You are stronger and tougher than you know and that same strength has sustained you this far.
- I am so fearful about what the future holds for me. Do you think that I will ever be able to overcome these fears?
- Those fears are legitimate based on your struggles and trauma. However, focused, AUTHENTIC, and CONCENTRATED gratitude on the past and present blessings will promote your quicker healing and everything in the future will fall nicely into their rightful places in your life…”ONE BREATH AT A TIME” is the right-hand man of gratitude living.